Faithful Voices

Voice of the Faithful

Bob Schoettinger

David DeWitt DVD

Nan Fischer, VOTF

Structural Change


Voice of the Faithful is still try to clarify how they will change the structure of The Church.

*Faithful Voices*  By David DeWitt DVD now available

The production also *clarifies VOTFıs mission and purpose*, Schoettinger explained, which is:

1. Support the survivors of clergy sexual abuse.

2. Support priests of integrity and

3. Shape structural change within the church.


Voice of the Faithful is still try to clarify how they will change the structure of The Church.

Faithful has successfully exposed the underpinnings and the agenda of Voice of the Faithful over the previous years.


We are in the process of determining what the latest explanation of VOTFıs *Structural Change*.

VOTF , of late , have fallen from grace with the media.


They have entered a quiet this period because VOTF ŒS relevance has declined.


Every once in a while Voice of the Faithful will surface in the media by using well meaning , good people for the purpose of promoting VOTF Œs agenda of dissent.


VOTF states that they * believe * that which The Roman Catholic Church believes but have seldom raised their Faithful Voices above a whisper in support of The Magisterium.


VOTF fails to acknowledge that the sexual abuse by priests is 97 percent Ephebophilia.


Voice of the Faithful also fails to open their meetings to Faithful Voices that have positions that do not promote their agenda.






By Eileen Connelly, OSU


ARCHDIOCESE ‹ With the hope it will serve as an educational tool, promote dialogue in area parishes and raise awareness of the organizationıs three-fold mission, the Cincinnati affiliate of Voice of the Faithful (VOTF) has released a new DVD entitled "Faithful Voices."




David DeWitt was recently recognized by the Cincinnati affiliate of Voice of the Faithful (VOTF) for his role in producing an informational and educational DVD. Pictured here with DeWitt, second from left, are his father, Tom, Bob Schoettinger, of Cincinnati VOTF, and his mother, Flo.


According to Bob Schoettinger, who serves on the local affiliateıs outreach committee, the group believed there was a need for a "real, human presentation," of the experiences of survivors of clerical abuse, along with VOTFıs mission.


Working together with David DeWitt, a recent high-school graduate and parishioner at St. Robert Bellarmine Chapel, the two set out to accomplish this.


 The project took nine months and involved every aspect of production, said DeWitt, including interviews with priests, VOTF members and abuse survivors. "Watching the people we interviewed, hearing the emotion in their voices and seeing the tears in their eyes was powerful," he said. "I think the DVD will make people aware of the reality of the problem and that itıs something we should all be concerned about."


 The production also clarifies VOTFıs mission and purpose, Schoettinger explained, which is to support the survivors of clergy sexual abuse, support priests of integrity and shape structural change within the church.


In recognition of DeWittıs initiative and involvement in producing the DVD, Cincinnati VOTF recently presented the young man with special award featuring a copy of it encased in plexiglass. DeWitt also received the Simon Lazarus Award from the American Jewish Committee for his efforts. "Both were a huge honor," he said.


 The DVD is available for purchase by individuals or groups at a cost of $7.95. For more information, contact Nan Fischer, VOTF regional coordinator, at 513-708-8240.