Editor¹s note          15 OCT 02

This entire evening took place in the upper Church of St.Eulalia

The Most Blessed Sacrament was in the far left corner.

531 were in attendance.

James Carroll stood in the center aisle,6¹ in front of the altar.

Bob Morris is at the top of the hierarchy of VOTF- Winchester ,Ma

He can be reached  by e-mail  mailto:cm@cmwebs.com


Dear. FaithfulVoice   October 8,2002

  After reading much about VOTF I decided to  attend  one of their meetings held at St. Eulalia's Church in Winchester, Ma.

At my first meeting I was hissed at by the VOTFers in the front row

  That first meeting I could not believe I was in a Catholic Church listening to such damning of our faith.. The speaker then was James O'Donohoe S.J., a priest of the Archdiocese of Boston . [ Visit Critique of FR O¹Donohoe ]

 At my second meeting I was booed by half the congregation.

I stood my ground.

  This meeting was on Oct. 7th., same church but this time it was James Carroll a former priest and now a writer for the Boston Globe..This was equally disturbing ..as many of the comments were similar. 

  I A few of the comments follow:

  1.only adults receive communion in the hand not on the tongue like an infant.

2. If we can take the body of Christ in hand , we can take the church in hand too

  3. the Bishops and whole system must go.. 

  4. we need  a new Catholic Church..

5.    the gospel had four takes on Jesus because one wasn't enough.      6..the Holy Fathers only legacy is that he has only half the priests left,,

7.On at least two occasions birth control was discussed as times have  changed, nothing is the same yesterday , today, and tomorrow,

8.condoms will keep people from getting aids.

9.The references to  the holocaust and the Catholic Church were numerous. 

  I was told, when questioning , ³you are not theologically intellectual  enough to understand many meanings of the points being made.².

I mentioned Saint Bernardette and Mary's apparitions to the poor and uneducated .. 

  As I tried to disagree with Carroll, a sea of heads in the pews began hissing and booing , and shouting for me to sit down,,Carroll said we had ³many disagreements² to which I agreed strongly and suggested if he did not want to follow Catholic doctrine he is free to leave the church..

  As I sat down, there was a group of teenagers two rows ahead of me, it appeared to be a CCD  class, two of the boys bent down as to not be seen and smiled giving me  thumbs up..nodding  a ³yes²...how many of God's precious lambs are being led to the slaughter..how many will hear the TRUTH . 

  We need to keep fighting. The Pope is our only hope on earth right now..even his Bishop's are lying, being blackmailed because of their wrong doing. Telling people what they think they want  to hear..Not telling the TRUTH>> 

  We know that God has already taken care of it all  I wish he would share the results with us NOW...

God Bless us All..
